dip slope

dip slope
   A slope of the land surface, roughly determined by and approximately conforming to the dip of underlying bedded rocks; (i.e., the long, gently inclined surface of a cuesta).
   Compare: scarp slope.

Glossary of landform and geologic terms. 2013.

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  • dip-slope — dipˈ slope noun (geology) A slope of ground coinciding with the dip of the rocks • • • Main Entry: ↑dip …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dip slope — Schematic cross section of a cuesta, dip slopes facing left and harder rock layers in darker colors than softer ones A dip slope is a geological formation often created by erosion of tilted strata.[1] Dip slopes are found on homoclinal ridges …   Wikipedia

  • dip slope — noun Geology the gentler slope of a cuesta, following the underlying strata. Often contrasted with scarp slope …   English new terms dictionary

  • dip slope —   the gentle slope formed by the upper plane of the dipping, harder bed of rock in a cuesta …   Geography glossary

  • dip slope — noun : a land surface inclined in the same direction and at the same angle as the dip of the underlying rocks …   Useful english dictionary

  • DIP — may refer to: Contents 1 As a three letter acronym 1.1 In science and technology 1.1.1 In computer scie …   Wikipedia

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