
   A generic microrelief term applied to areas of nominal surface relief (slightly sloping to level), relative to the adjacent ground surface; differences in overall local relief range from several centimeters to several meters. Cross-sectional profiles can be simple or complex and generally consist of low and gently rounded, convex tops (microhigh), gently sloping to level sides (microslope), and depressional low areas (microlow). Microslopes commonly constitute the majority of the land surface area in gilgai and other settings with microrelief.

Glossary of landform and geologic terms. 2013.

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  • intermediate position —    (gilgai)    The subsurface location and morphology of the nearly level, transitional area (microslope) between an upwelling morphology (chimney) under a slightly elevated microhigh (i.e., microknoll; mound in Russia) and the bowl morphology… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • microrelief —     a) [ soil survey ]    Slight variations in the height of a land surface that are too small or intricate to delineate on a topographic or soils map at commonly used map scales (e.g., 1:24,000 through 1:10,000).    Examples include microhigh,… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • puff —    (gilgai)    A surface drape or exposure of up welled substratum material forced to the surface and outcropping on a low mound or rim; the surface exposure of a chimney [ gilgai ]; a type of diapir composed of earthy material.    Compare:… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

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