nose line — noun : a line drawn on the profile of a stairway following the outer edges of the treads and marking the slope of the stairway compare nosing … Useful english dictionary
head slope — [ geomorphology ] A geomorphic component of hills consisting of a laterally concave area of a hillside, especially at the head of a drainageway, resulting in converging overland water flow (e.g., sheet wash); head slopes are dominated by… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
base slope — [ geomorphology ] A geomorphic component of hills consisting of the concave to linear slope (perpendicular to the contour) which, regardless of the lateral shape is an area that forms an apron or wedge at the bottom of a hillside dominated… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
side slope — [ geomorphology ] A geomorphic component of hills consisting of a laterally planar area of a hillside, resulting in predominantly parallel overland water flow (e.g., sheet wash); contour lines generally form straight lines. Side slopes are… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
Slippery slope — In debate or rhetoric, the slippery slope is one of the classical informal fallacies. It suggests that an action will initiate a chain of events culminating in an undesirable event later without establishing or quantifying the relevant… … Wikipedia
Bald man with the long nose — A Series of Unfortunate Events character First appearance The Bad Beginning Last appearance The Carnivorous Carnival Information … Wikipedia
Camel's nose — The camel s nose is a metaphor for a situation where permitting some small undesirable situation will allow gradual and inexorable worsening. A typical usage is this, from U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater in 1958::This bill and the foregoing remarks… … Wikipedia
free face — 1) The part of a hillside or mountainside consisting of an outcrop of bare rock (scarp or cliff) that sheds colluvium to slopes below and commonly stands more steeply than the angle of repose of the colluvial slope (e.g., talus slope)… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
geomorphic component - hills — A set of fundamental, three dimensional areas and positions that geomorphically define a hill or ridge. In descending topographic order, the geomorphic components are interfluve (stable summit area) ; crest (unstable summit converged… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
crest — 1) a) The commonly linear, narrow top of a ridge, hill, or mountain. It is appropriately applied to elevated areas where retreating backslopes are converging such that these high areas are almost exclusively composed of convex shoulders.… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms