pluvial lake

pluvial lake
   A lake formed in an extended period of exceptionally heavy rainfall.
   Compare: pluvial lake [ relict ], glacial lake, proglacial lake.
   SW & GG
   [ relict ]
   A lake formed in an extended period of exceptionally heavy rainfall, but now greatly reduced or gone; a lake formed in the Pleistocene Epoch during a time of glacial advance, and now extinct (relict) e.g., Lake Bonneville.
   Compare: pluvial lake, glacial lake, proglacial lake.
   SW & GG

Glossary of landform and geologic terms. 2013.

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  • Pluvial lake — A pluvial lake is a lake that experiences significant increase in depth and extent as a result of increased precipitation and reduced evaporation. The word pluvial comes from the Latin pluvia , which means rain . Such lakes are likely to be… …   Wikipedia

  • Lake Bonneville — was a prehistoric pluvial lake that covered much of North America s Great Basin region. Most of the territory it covered was in present day Utah, though parts of the lake extended into present day Idaho and Nevada. Formed about 32,000 years ago,… …   Wikipedia

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  • Lake Manly — was a large freshwater lake which filled the Death Valley (United States) basin prior to the dry climatic period which has prevailed since the last ice age. Lake Manly receded due to increased evaporation, and to isolation from the Colorado River …   Wikipedia

  • Pluvial — Ein Pluvial (aus lat. pluvialis = regenbringend, vgl. franz. il pleut = es regnet, pluvieux = regnerisch) ist in der Klimatologie und in den Geowissenschaften eine erdgeschichtliche Periode mit höheren Regenmengen als im langzeitlichen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lake Bonneville — Felsblöcke, die von der Flut rund 100 km transportiert wurden Lake Bonneville ist der Name für einen ehemaligen See im Westen der heutigen Vereinigten Staaten. Er existierte in einem Pluvial im späten Pleistozän, während der letzten Eiszeit… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • pluvial — referring to a time period when precipitation is high and evaporation low, streamflow is strong and lake levels are high …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • proglacial lake —    I.    A type of glacial lake which formed just beyond the margin of an advancing or retreating glacier; generally in direct contact with the ice.    Compare: glacial lake, pluvial lake.    GG    II.    [ relict ]    Remnant features of a… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • Great Salt Lake — Infobox lake lake name = Great Salt Lake image lake = Great Salt Lake ISS 2003.jpg caption lake = Satellite photo in summer 2003 after five years of drought, reaching near record lows. image bathymetry = caption bathymetry = location = Utah,… …   Wikipedia

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