- burial mound
- A pile, hillock, or human-made hill, composed of debris or earth heaped up to mark a burial site.ICOMANTH & GG
Glossary of landform and geologic terms. 2013.
Glossary of landform and geologic terms. 2013.
Burial-Mound-Kultur — Bu|ri|al Mound Kul|tur [ bɛriəlmaund...] die; <zu engl. burial mound »Grabhügel« u. ↑Kultur> von etwa 800 vor bis 1200 n. Chr. durch große Grabhügel u. ausgeprägtes Totenritual gekennzeichnete prähistorische Kultur im östlichen Nordamerika … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
burial mound — a mound built over a grave or graves. Cf. barrow2 (def. 1). [1850 55] * * * ▪ archaeology artificial hill of earth and stones built over the remains of the dead. In England the equivalent term is barrow; (barrow) in Scotland, cairn; and in… … Universalium
burial mound — noun (archeology) a heap of earth placed over prehistoric tombs • Syn: ↑grave mound, ↑barrow, ↑tumulus • Topics: ↑archeology, ↑archaeology • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
burial mound — noun A mound of earth and stones raised over a grave or graves. Syn: tumulus, barrow, kurgan, cairn … Wiktionary
burial mound — n. tumulus, mound raised over a grave; (Archeology) pile of earth built over ancient tombs … English contemporary dictionary
burial mound — /ˈbɛriəl maʊnd/ (say bereeuhl mownd) noun → barrow2 …
Langdos (burial mound) — Langdøs (or, in Standard Danish: Langdysse ) is the largest bronze age burial mound in Denmark, located in Thisted, Jutland. The burial mound is 175 meters long and was built between 1800 and 1000 BC. The Langdøs man was once believed to live in… … Wikipedia
The Burial Mound — The Burial Mound, ( Kjæmpehøjen ), was Henrik Ibsen s second play and the first play to be performed. It is a three act verse drama, written in 1850 when Ibsen was 22 years old. The play was first performed at the Christiania Theater on September … Wikipedia
Mound Cemetery (Marietta, Ohio) — Mound Cemetery Mound U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
Intaglio (burial mound) — Intaglio is a term from art applied to burial mounds that refers to a design cut into a hard surface. In this case, the burial mounds have designs cut into the ground, though intaglio broadly applies to burial mounds which are raised above the… … Wikipedia