
   [ gilgai ]
   A subsurface morphology that forms a crude cone or wave-crest structure centered under a microhigh (e.g., a low mound or rim) and extends at least part-way under adjacent intermediate positions; composed of substratum material that appears to upwell and reaches close to the surface. A chimney is commonly bounded by master slickensides in the subsoil with maximum angles of dip reaching 60 - 75 degrees under the microhigh. Its morphology is distinct from the solum of the adjacent microslopes and microlows (e.g., lighter colored, more alkaline, and contains carbonate or gypsum concretions absent under microslopes and microlows).

Glossary of landform and geologic terms. 2013.

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  • Chimney — Chim ney, n.; pl. {Chimneys}. [F. chemin[ e]e, LL. caminata, fr. L. caminus furnace, fireplace, Gr. ? furnace, oven.] 1. A fireplace or hearth. [Obs.] Sir W. Raleigh. [1913 Webster] 2. That part of a building which contains the smoke flues; esp.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • chimney — (n.) late 13c., from O.Fr. cheminee fire place (12c., Mod.Fr. cheminée), from L.L. (camera) caminata fireplace, room with a fireplace, from L. caminatus, adj. of caminus hearth, oven, flue, from Gk. kaminos furnace. Chimney sweep attested from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • chimney — [n] smokestack for building chase, chimney pot, chimney stack, fireplace, flue, funnel, furnace, hearth, pipe, smokeshaft, stack, vent, ventilator; concept 440 …   New thesaurus

  • chimney — [chim′nē] n. pl. chimneys [ME chimene, a fireplace < OFr cheminée < LL caminata, fireplace < L caminus, furnace, flue < Gr kaminos, oven, fireplace; ult. < ? IE base * kam, to arch > CAMERA] 1. the passage through which smoke or …   English World dictionary

  • chimney — ► NOUN (pl. chimneys) 1) a vertical pipe which conducts smoke and gases up from a fire or furnace. 2) a glass tube protecting the flame of a lamp. 3) a very steep narrow cleft by which a rock face may be climbed. ORIGIN Old French cheminee, from… …   English terms dictionary

  • Chimney — For other uses, see Chimney (disambiguation). Smokestack redirects here. For the 1963 avant garde jazz album, see Smokestack (album). The world s tallest chimney, of GRES 2 in Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan. A chimney is a structure for venting hot flue… …   Wikipedia

  • chimney — chimneyless, adj. chimneylike, adj. /chim nee/, n., pl. chimneys, v., chimneyed, chimneying. n. 1. a structure, usually vertical, containing a passage or flue by which the smoke, gases, etc., of a fire or furnace are carried off and by means of… …   Universalium

  • chimney — n. (pl. eys) 1 a vertical channel conducting smoke or combustion gases etc. up and away from a fire, furnace, engine, etc. 2 the part of this which projects above a roof. 3 a glass tube protecting the flame of a lamp. 4 a narrow vertical crack in …   Useful english dictionary

  • chimney — chim|ney [ˈtʃımni] n ↑chimney, ↑gutter [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: cheminée, from Late Latin caminata, from Latin caminus fireplace , from Greek kaminos] 1.) a vertical pipe that allows smoke from a fire to pass out of a building up… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • chimney — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ high, tall ▪ short ▪ narrow, wide ▪ tapering ▪ brick …   Collocations dictionary

  • chimney — n. 1) smoke goes up a chimney 2) smoke comes out of a chimney * * * [ tʃɪmnɪ] smoke comes out of a chimney smoke goes up a chimney …   Combinatory dictionary

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