fan piedmont

fan piedmont
   The most extensive landform on piedmont slopes, formed by: 1) the lateral, downslope, coalescence of mountain-front alluvial fans into one generally smooth slope with or without the transverse undulations of the semi-conical alluvial fans, and: 2) accretion of fan aprons. Also recognized and used as a landscape term.
   Compare: piedmont slope.

Glossary of landform and geologic terms. 2013.

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  • coalescent fan piedmont —    (not preferred)    refer to fan piedmont.    HP …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • fan apron —    A sheet like mantle of relatively young alluvium and soils covering part of an older fan piedmont (and occasionally alluvial fan) surface, commonly thicker and further down slope (e.g., mid fan or mid fan piedmont) than a fan collar. It… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • fan skirt —    The zone of smooth, laterally coalescing, small alluvial fans that issue from gullies cut into the fan piedmont of a basin or that are coalescing extensions of the inset fans of the fan piedmont, and that merge with the basin floor at their… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • piedmont slope —    (colloquial: western USA)    The dominant gentle slope at the foot of a mountain; generally used in terms of intermontane basin terrain in arid to subhumid regions.    Main components include:    1) An erosional surface on bedrock adjacent to… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • alluvial fan — Physical Geog. a fan shaped alluvial deposit formed by a stream where its velocity is abruptly decreased, as at the mouth of a ravine or at the foot of a mountain. Also called alluvial cone. [1870 75] * * * ▪ geological feature  unconsolidated… …   Universalium

  • Millennium High School (Piedmont, California) — Coordinates: 37°49′22.49″N 122°14′1.76″W / 37.8229139°N 122.2338222°W / 37.8229139; 122.2338222 …   Wikipedia

  • Warehouse Fan Association — The Warehouse is the official fan association for Dave Matthews Band. Founded on December 4th, 1998, Warehouse gives fan early access to concert tickets, exclusive CDs and merchandise to its members. The current fee for membership is $35 per year …   Wikipedia

  • rock fan — ▪ geology       fan shaped bedrock surface at the foot of a mountain, often where a stream flows out onto a piedmont slope. It is often covered with a thin veneer of alluvium and may be confused with an alluvial fan. Rock fans are usually quite… …   Universalium

  • bajada —    (colloquial: southwestern USA)    A broad, gently inclined, alluvial piedmont slope extending from the base of a mountain range out into a basin and formed by the lateral coalescence of a series of alluvial fans.    Typically it has a broadly… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • fonduta — fänˈd(y)üd.ə, ütə noun ( s) Etymology: Italian, from Italian dialect (Piedmont) fondùa, from French fondue more at fondue : a preparation of melted cheese (as fontina) usually with milk, butter, egg yolks, and sliced white truffles …   Useful english dictionary

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