- glacial till
- (not recommended: use till)Till should only be used for describing glacial sediments, therefore "glacial till" is redundant.GM
Glossary of landform and geologic terms. 2013.
Glossary of landform and geologic terms. 2013.
Glacial till plains (Ohio) — The Glacial till plains are in the Northwest of Ohio. This region is fertile and has gently rolling moraine hills created by the movement of glaciers. Glaciers created the Ohio River.till oMJIOPHF*)PNMJASPRUIFHN*ENMIKL … Wikipedia
glacial till — An unassorted mixture of glacial drift [16]. Synonym: boulder clay; till … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Till — is unsorted glacial sediment. Glacial drift is a general term for the coarsely graded and extremely heterogeneous sediments of glacial origin. Glacial till is that part of glacial drift which was deposited directly by the glacier. It may vary… … Wikipedia
Glacial motion — is the motion of glaciers, which can be likened to rivers of ice. It has played an important role in sculpting many landscapes. Most lakes in the world occupy basins scoured out by glaciers. Glacial motion can be fast (up to 30 m/day, observed on … Wikipedia
till|ite — «TIHL yt», noun. a sedimentary rock composed of glacial till compacted into hard rock. ╂[< till4 + ite1] … Useful english dictionary
Till plain — A till plain is an extensive flat plain of glacial till that forms when a sheet of ice becomes detached from the main body of a glacier and melts in place depositing the sediments it carried. A till plain with irregular topography is referred to… … Wikipedia
till — [ glacial ] Dominantly unsorted and unstratified drift, generally unconsolidated and deposited directly by a glacier without subsequent reworking by meltwater, and consisting of a heterogeneous mixture of clay, silt, sand, gravel, stones,… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
till — till1 [til] prep. [ME < OE til, akin to ON, to, till, OE, fitness: for IE base see TILL2] 1. UNTIL 2. Now Scot. up to the place of; as far as conj. UNTIL till2 [til] vt., vi … English World dictionary
till — glacial deposits … Geography glossary
glacial landform — ▪ geology Introduction any product of flowing ice and meltwater. Such landforms are being produced today in glaciated areas, such as Greenland, Antarctica, and many of the world s higher mountain ranges. In addition, large expansions of present… … Universalium