spur ridge

spur ridge
   (not recommended)
   use spur.

Glossary of landform and geologic terms. 2013.

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  • spur — [spʉr] n. [ME spure < OE spura, akin to Ger sporn < IE base * sp(h)er , to jerk, push with the foot > SPURN, Sans sphurāti, (he) kicks away, L spernere, lit., to push away] 1. any of various pointed devices worn on the heel by the rider… …   English World dictionary

  • spur — (n.) O.E. spura, spora (related to spurnan to kick, see SPURN (Cf. spurn)), from P.Gmc. *spuron (Cf. O.N. spori, M.Du. spore, Du. spoor, O.H.G. sporo, Ger. Sporn spur ), from PIE *spere ankle ( …   Etymology dictionary

  • Ridge Road (Western New York) — …   Wikipedia

  • Spur (disambiguation) — A spur is a metal instrument fastened to the heel of a horseman.Spur may also refer to:* Spur, a sharp horny growth on the leg of some animals, especially roosters, male pheasants and other male birds of the Galliformes; also male platypuses have …   Wikipedia

  • Spur Posse — The Spur Posse was a group of high school boys from Lakewood, California, (many of them top high school athletes) who used a point system to keep track of and compare their sexual conquests. The founder of the group chose the name Spur Posse when …   Wikipedia

  • spur — spur1 spurless, adj. spurlike, adj. spurrer, n. /sperr/, n., v., spurred, spurring. n. 1. a U shaped device that slips over and straps to the heel of a boot and has a blunt, pointed, or roweled projection at the back for use by a mounted rider to …   Universalium

  • spur — /spɜ / (say sper) noun 1. a pointed device attached to a rider s boot heel, for goading a horse onwards, etc. 2. anything that goads, impels, or urges to action or speed. 3. something projecting, and resembling or suggesting a spur. 4. a sharp… …  

  • spur — [[t]spɜr[/t]] n. v. spurred, spur•ring 1) aU shaped device fitted with a pointed projection, secured to the heel of a boot, and used by a rider to urge a horse forward 2) something that goads to action 3) climbing iron 4) orn a stiff, usu. sharp …   From formal English to slang

  • spur — I. noun Etymology: Middle English spure, from Old English spura; akin to Old English spurnan to kick more at spurn Date: before 12th century 1. a. a pointed device secured to a rider s heel and used to urge on the horse b. plural [from the… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • spur — SYN: calcar. [A.S. spora] calcarine s. [TA] the lower of two elevations on the medial wall of the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle of the brain, caused by the depth of the calcarine sul …   Medical dictionary

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