
   A general term for a prominent zone of secondary carbonate accumulation in surficial materials in warm, subhumid to arid areas. Caliche is formed by both geologic and pedologic processes. Finely crystalline calcium carbonate forms a nearly continuous surface-coating and void-filling medium in geologic (parent) materials. Cementation ranges from weak in non-indurated forms to very strong in types that are indurated. Other minerals (carbonates, silicates, sulfates) may be present as accessory cements. Most petrocalcic and some calcic horizons are caliche.

Glossary of landform and geologic terms. 2013.

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  • Caliche — Forest on San Miguel Island. Caliche is a sedimentary rock, a hardened deposit of calcium carbonate. This calcium carbonate cements together other materials, including gravel, sand, clay, and silt. It is found in aridisol and mollisol soil orders …   Wikipedia

  • caliche — [ kaliʃ ] n. m. • 1863; mot esp. ♦ Mélange naturel de sels alcalins dont on extrait le nitrate de sodium et l iode. ● caliche nom masculin (espagnol caliche) Minerai dont on extrait le nitrate de sodium au Chili et au Pérou. caliche [kaliʃ] n. m …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • caliche — sodium nitrate deposits in Chile and Peru, 1858, from Amer.Sp., from Sp. caliche pebble in a brick, from L. calx pebble …   Etymology dictionary

  • caliche — sustantivo masculino 1. Costra de cal que se desprende de las paredes encaladas: Esta pared debería pintarse de nuevo porque ya tiene mucho caliche. 2. Área: minería Origen: América del Sur. Mineral del nitrato de sodio. 3 …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • caliche — (De cal). 1. m. Piedra pequeña que, introducida por descuido en el barro, se calcina al cocerlo. 2. En los melones y otras frutas, señal que queda por un daño recibido. 3. Costra de cal que suele desprenderse del enlucido de las paredes. 4.… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • caliche — ca*li che (k[.a]*l[=e] ch[ e]), n. 1. a deposit of sand or clay on the surface containing crystallized salts such as sodium chloride or sodium nitrate; used especially of the sodium nitrate deposits of Chile and Peru. RHUD [PJC] 2. a stratum of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Caliche — (spr. litsche), der unreine, natürlich vorkommende Chilisalpeter …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Caliche — heißt der im nördlichsten Teile von Chile und zwar in der Provinz Tarapaca sich findende Rohsalpeter. Er enthält je nach Reinheit 17–50% Natronsalpeter und wird zu dem in den Handel gebrachten Chilisalpeter (s.d.) verarbeitet. Literatur: [1] …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • Caliche — (span., spr. lihtsche), der Chilesalpeter …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • caliche — [kə lē′chē, kə lēchə] n. [AmSp < Sp cal, lime < L calx: see CALCIUM] 1. a hardened conglomeration of gravel, rock, and soil that contains sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate, etc., found mainly in arid regions of Chile and Argentina 2. a type …   English World dictionary

  • caliche — s. coito. ❙ «El caliche: el coito.» JV. ❙ «Caliche: coito.» JMO. ❙ «Caliche. Polvo, flis, kiki.» Ra. ❘ no se ha podido documentar fuera de diccionarios. 2. echar un caliche expr. copular …   Diccionario del Argot "El Sohez"

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