rock pediment

rock pediment
   An erosion surface of low relief, cut directly into and across bedrock and composed of either bare rock or thinly veneered pedisediment or residuum (e.g., < 1.5 m) over bedrock; it occurs along the flanks of mountain fronts, or at the base of mountains or high hills. Its surface grades to the backwearing mountain slopes or hillslopes above, and generally grades down to and merges with a lower-lying alluvial plain, piedmont slope or valley floor below.
   SW & FFP

Glossary of landform and geologic terms. 2013.

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  • pediment —    A gently sloping erosional surface developed at the foot of a receding hill or mountain slope, commonly with a slightly concave upward profile, that cross cuts rock or sediment strata that extend beneath adjacent uplands. The erosion surface… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • pediment — pedimental /ped euh men tl/, adj. pedimented /ped euh men tid, meuhn /, adj. /ped euh meuhnt/, n. 1. (in classical architecture) a low gable, typically triangular with a horizontal cornice and raking cornices, surmounting a colonnade, an end wall …   Universalium

  • rock fan — ▪ geology       fan shaped bedrock surface at the foot of a mountain, often where a stream flows out onto a piedmont slope. It is often covered with a thin veneer of alluvium and may be confused with an alluvial fan. Rock fans are usually quite… …   Universalium

  • pediment —   concave, rock cut, slope found between a cliff face and a valley floor in arid and semi arid areas …   Geography glossary

  • pediment — noun 1》 Architecture the triangular upper part of the front of a classical building, typically surmounting a portico. 2》 Geology a broad expanse of rock debris extending outwards from the foot of a slope. Derivatives pedimental adjective… …   English new terms dictionary

  • pediment — ped•i•ment [[t]ˈpɛd ə mənt[/t]] n. 1) archit. (in classical architecture) a low triangular gable outlined by a horizontal cornice below and sloping cornices above, surmounting a colonnade, an end wall, or a major division of a facade 2) archit. a …   From formal English to slang

  • pediment — n. 1 a the triangular front part of a building in Grecian style, surmounting esp. a portico of columns. b a similar part of a building in Roman or Renaissance style. 2 Geol. a broad flattish rock surface at the foot of a mountain slope.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Geologic Pediment — A pediment is a gently inclined erosional surface carved into bedrock. It is thinly covered with Fluvial gravel that has developed at the foot of mountains. It develops when running water erodes most of the mass of the mountain. It is typically a …   Wikipedia

  • piedmont slope —    (colloquial: western USA)    The dominant gentle slope at the foot of a mountain; generally used in terms of intermontane basin terrain in arid to subhumid regions.    Main components include:    1) An erosional surface on bedrock adjacent to… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • Listed buildings in Runcorn, Cheshire — Runcorn has a number of listed buildings. [cite web |url= |title=Listed Buildings in Halton |accessdate=2007 04 19… …   Wikipedia

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