stream channel

stream channel
   (not preferred)
   refer to channel.

Glossary of landform and geologic terms. 2013.

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  • stream channel — tėkmė statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Spūdinis ar nespūdinis požeminis vanduo, tekantis iš mitybos srities į drenažo sritį hidraulinio nuolydžio kryptimi. atitikmenys: angl. flow; river bed; river channel; stream; stream… …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • stream channel — tėkmė statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Vaga ar kitokiu duburiu laisvai tekantis paviršinis vanduo. atitikmenys: angl. flow; river bed; river channel; stream; stream channel vok. Bett, n; Durchfluβ, m; Fluβbett, n; Lauf, m;… …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • stream channel — /ˈstrim tʃænəl/ (say streem chanuhl) noun a channel through which a natural stream may flow …  

  • Channel — Channel, Channels, and similar terms may refer to: Channels (band), a rock band fronted by ex Jawbox singer/guitarist J. Robbins Channels (film), a 2008 film Channel, synonym for pre chorus in popular song structure Ion channel, a protein that… …   Wikipedia

  • Stream load — is a geologic term referring to the solid matter carried by a stream (Strahler and Strahler, 2006). Erosion continually removes mineral material from the bed and banks of the stream channel, adding this material to the regular flow of water. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Stream terrace — Stream terraces are relict features, such as floodplains, from periods when a stream was flowing at a higher elevation and has downcut to a lower elevation. Stream terraces often appear as plateaus on existing valley walls and indicate earlier… …   Wikipedia

  • Channel types — A wide variety of river and stream channel types exist in limnology. All these can be divided into two groups by using the water flow gradient as either low gradient channels for streams or rivers with less than two percent (2%) flow gradient, or …   Wikipedia

  • stream — streamless, adj. streamlike, adj. /streem/, n. 1. a body of water flowing in a channel or watercourse, as a river, rivulet, or brook. 2. a steady current in water, as in a river or the ocean: to row against the stream; the Gulf Stream. 3. any… …   Universalium

  • channel — channel1 channeler; esp. Brit., channeller, n. /chan l/, n., v., channeled, channeling or (esp. Brit.) channelled, channelling. n. 1. the bed of a stream, river, or other waterway. 2. Naut. a navigable route between two bodies of water …   Universalium

  • stream — tėkmė statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Spūdinis ar nespūdinis požeminis vanduo, tekantis iš mitybos srities į drenažo sritį hidraulinio nuolydžio kryptimi. atitikmenys: angl. flow; river bed; river channel; stream; stream… …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

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